In the American heartland, high
school students huddle over free coffee refills in a chain
diner, the only place away from home where they can hang out in
the middle of the night. At a truck stop in the Southwest, a
woman takes another big gulp of stale black coffee before
starting up her rig. A few hours later, an elderly man wakes his
wife up with the aroma wafting from their weathered percolator.
From the nerve-jangled caffeine addict to those who have a mug
about once a year, a lot of Americans drink coffee. But is it
healthful? John Mackey, the founder and
CEO of Whole Foods natural products superstores, recently told
the press that he reluctantly agreed to sell coffee--along with
meat, seafood, beer and wine---because he considers such
foodstuffs unhealthful. Consumer Reports has warned that "heavy
coffee drinkers, pregnant women, and possibly people with
heartburn, breast lumps or anxiety disorders may benefit from
cutting back on the brew." A 2000 Finnish study linked coffee
consumption to an increased risk of developing rheumatoid
arthritis, although a 2003 Harvard Medical School study did not
find a connection.
Joseph F. DeRupo, director of communications
for the National Coffee Association, says, "The scientific
evidence coming out of labs around the world is almost entirely
positive [on coffee's healthfulness]. It's absolutely clear that
coffee has a protective effect against type 2 diabetes. We think
it has to do with a chemical unique to coffee that affects sugar
uptake in the liver. Coffee also protects against colon and
rectal cancers." Researcher Tomas de-Paulis of Vanderbilt
University's Institute for Coffee Studies (which receives
funding from the coffee industry) adds, "Japanese studies have
found that coffee also helps protect the liver, particularly for
those who drink alcohol and smoke tobacco."
DeRupo argues, "Coffee does not have a
negative effect on a healthy pregnancy." He says a study that
suggested a link to miscarriages ignored other factors including
tobacco and alcohol intake. However, the Food and Drug
Administration advises pregnant women to drink coffee in
moderation. Although coffee does stimulate the cardiovascular
system and may increase blood pressure (though not near as much
as salt), a 2002 Swiss study suggested regular drinkers may
become immune to the effects.
Researchers think some of coffee's purported
health benefits may arise from its generous dose of
antioxidants, which fight damage to cells. "Americans get more
of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary
source," Joe Vinson of Pennsylvania's University of Scranton
recently reported after studying the issue. Vinson says coffee
isn't the best source of antioxidants, although it's convenient.
"One particular antioxidant that's unique to coffee may protect
against gallstones, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's," says DeRupo.
Coffee is a complex mix of hundreds of
compounds, many of which are poorly understood by science. Even
the ingredient that takes its name from coffee, caffeine,
puzzles researchers, despite years of investigations. Recent
studies have linked caffeine to increased athletic performance,
stamina and mental acuity. "Caffeine is classified as a
stimulant, but its effects come from a different mechanism than
cocaine or amphetamines, and it is not addictive the way those
stimulants are," says dePaulis. "Caffeine is addictive on a
cellular level, in that your blood vessels get addicted, which
explains the headaches and other withdraw symptoms when you
"Coffee is a health food, and my personal view
is that anyone can drink as much as they can stand," says
dePaulis. Although coffee may be good for your liver, according
to DeRupo, the notion that the drink can sober up drunks seems
to be a myth. CONTACT: The Institute for Coffee Studies,
(615)322-3527, |