Teaching kids about water can be very fun. There are a lot of simple scientific experiments you can do that centre around water and children love to learn about how something as common as water is so important and so interesting. There are plenty of lessons on water for children. Here are a few fun facts on water for children: The human brain in two thirds water Trees are two thirds water The water that is on the Earth now is made up of the same minerals and elements that made up the water that was on the planet while the dinosaurs were wandering around. A person can live without food for a few weeks but a person can only live without water for a few days. The average US citizen uses between eighty and one hundred gallons of water each day.
The people in ancient Egypt treated their water by siphoning it out of the tops of jars in which they collected the water from the Nile River. They would allow the mud from the Nile to settle in the bottom of the jars and then take the water from the top. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, told people to boil their water and strain it before drinking it. Filtering water in the late 1800s kept the people of Altona Germany from dying of cholera-the people in Hamburg (who did not filter their water) were not so lucky.
Water is the only substance on earth that transcends all three states of physical matter-gas, liquid and solid. Here is a simple experiment involving water for children. To show how water moves throughout plants (thanks to capillary action), place a celery stalk into a glass of water that has been colored with food coloring (don't use green food coloring). A celery stalk that is starting to wither works best. Your kids can watch as the water moves into and through the celery stalk.
A quick search through the internet will reveal many fun (and easy) experiments with water for children. These experiments include making water bend, making water flow upstream, the demonstration of displacement and many others. Kids will learn how water affects the air around it, parts of the body and how all sorts of other "absolutes" can be demonstrated with water. Kids can learn how to fit an egg through a bottle opening without using their hands, how to make a cork float in the center of a pool of water and much more.
Teaching children about water is fun and interesting. Water is something that all kids know about so learning about how it works, what it is good for and how it affects them is naturally intriguing. These won't be lessons children have trouble relating to. Learning about water for children is always a fun and entertaining process.
Kids love learning that water is good for more than drinking, washing and swimming. They love using it in other experiments and learning about how it is important. Copyright (c) 2008 Steven Magill.
The average US citizen uses between eighty and one hundred gallons of water each day. What do You Know About Water ? http://www.whatiswatermadeof.com/index.html